What Do I Want To Accomplish/Write About?

In my pitch to Kickstarter I listed this project as being somewhat of a travel guide that is informative as it is funny.  In reality, it's likely going to be a non-fiction account of how someone who is broke manages to raise money to take a trip.  That I'll write about Paris in an informative way that is also humorous is one of the perks I suppose.  I took a break from writing this blog to review Woody Allen's "Midnight In Paris."  You can read my review by clicking the link (or - if you're reading this as a book/e-book - by scrolling down a bit), but it would not be fair if I didn't give this movie credit for making me want to write about the city.  I have heard that when writers write in Paris, wonderful things happen.  They express thoughts and emotions they never dreamed they could.

I want to experience that.  I want to write what that experience feels like down on paper.  I want to see some of these wonderful sites and best express to people how good they are.  And the only way I can properly do that is to walk the streets during the day and night, come back to a hotel/hostel, and write about it.  Get the words out while they are fresh on my mind.  This is a six month project.  Obviously what is going to interest most people is the steps I took to get there.  I'm hoping the experiences I have while I'm there are the words that will leave a lasting impression though.

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