So the first idea pitched to Kickstarter didn't get picked up. No matter, I've got at least seven more ideas to pitch. It just means that this becoming a book might not happen as soon as some other one. So where do I sit with Paris right now? Well...a little ahead of schedule, but still in about the same place. See, right now I have a surprising reserve of extra money that could be a good boost to the trip (in that it actually covers a good chunk of it right from the get-go), but that money is also there in case of an emergency. If nothing major happens then it will be a big help, but as it stands now it's there for other reasons. I'm still assuming I'm at square one. On the positive side, I'm back on eBay again, so hopefully a little money will come in.
The first step in my plan to save is that any money I make from eBay, iOffer, Bonanza, or will go directly to the fund. It will NOT be spent on anything else! This can add up to an extra few hundred dollars a month, so this could make a HUGE difference in the plan! Whether or not I actually sell enough for this to be a reality is another matter altogether. After all, we're still in a recession. In the meantime I'm going to start buffing up on some classic French cinema. It might be fun to view some of the classic landmarks in Paris and see how they were used in some of Frances most beloved films.
Kickstarter: Phase 2
Posted by
Kevin T. Rodriguez
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